Opendab - working in partnership

Opendab offers essential know-how and can plan the necessary application process and transmission infrastructure to make Small-Scale Digital Audio Broadcasting (SSDAB) work.  One possibility might be an end to end approach which allows individual radio stations to ‘plug-in’ and broadcast with minimal fuss and at low cost.

Since testing the first open source ‘Brighton Experimental’ service in 2012 and launching the UK’s first ‘trial’ small scale multiplex in Brighton - July and then Norwich - September 2015 , Opendab’s founders have seen clear demand across the country for DAB as an incremental platform. The clear indication is that SSDAB could provide a new entry level for aspiring broadcasters while also being an add-on for existing community and smaller commercial FM broadcasters. With Opendab, this can be delivered at a fair and proportionate price point.

The Small Scale DAB trial pioneered by Opendab’s founders has seen a flourishing of new radio stations, formats and an opening to a new wave of radio professionals and volunteers.  Technical innovation includes the first continuous UK implementations of DAB+ codecs with improved sound quality & listener experience, DAB Slideshow information & content display, as well as innovation in IP contribution feeds, encoding, multiplexing, monitoring and distribution.

We believe in being transparent and open with cost oriented pricing.  Our non profit maximising model is clearly differentiated from the existing local DAB multiplex model. With Opendab, all participating and competing broadcast services invest in and benefit from stable multiplex development, rather than adopting a system that allows the multiplex gatekeeper to opt for short term value extraction and not offering any incentive to innovate or provide public service.